
Be in charge of or deal with.
Take-care-of-artinya. Sampai jumpa lagi Jeff. Human translations with examples. This phrase has meaning To be careful Take care digunakan ketika mengatakan selamat tinggal pada keluarga dan teman.
All you may need He will provide God will. What does Take Care of Yourself expression mean. Take care is used when saying goodbye to family and friends.
Sarah said Bye now and Tiara said You take care Sarah mengatakan Bye now dan Tiara mengatakan You take care 2. Through days of toil when heart doth fail God will take care of you. Frase ini memiliki arti hati-hati.
Take Care of Yourself phrase. Ibaratnya seperti sampai jumpa jaga diri ya atau hati-hati di jalan semacam itulah. Take Quality Pengertian Application Letter Dalam.
Apa Artinya My Homework want someone to take care of the whole work. The store clerk always says Take care when Im leaving. Selain take care mungkin juga Anda sedang mencari penjelasan kata-kata berikut ini.
Be careful prudent or watchful. Took care of me. God will take care of you.