
Writein full detail a piece on the breeds of purebreed.
Harry-potter-care-of-magical-creatures-quiz. During the Harry Potter movies there is a series of magical creatures that are introduced to the Harry Potter fans throughout the movies. Books Harry Potter Owl Test Magical Creatures See how well you score on your Care Of Magical Creatures Ordinary Wizardry Levels Test. Rowling the magical world of Harry Potter was full of magical things - jobs concepts creatures and items - that would have made no sense to Muggles.
The magical creatures quiz. Magical Creatures of the Harry Potter Series. - 10 Questions - by.
2007-09-01 - Developed on. 2007-08-19 - 9573 takers. Add to library 18 Discussion 39.
See how much your really know about the creatures in Harry Potter. The creatures from the magical world of Harry Potter are some of the most fascinating mythical creatures to ever exist. People can be a bit stupid about their pets Lets Play.
My version of the Hogwarts Care of Magical Creatures OWL exams which take place in fifth year. 10 trivia questions rated Easy. Thanks to the vivid imagination of J.
Could You Pass The Care Of Magical Creatures Exam. Take this quiz to find out. Only Hagrid Could Score 100 On This Magical Creatures Quiz.